InnerCoastal Livestock
InnerCoastal Livestock

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Livestock Horse For Sale Stock 1567622

Bay Roan, Quarter Horse Gelding

Price: $8,500 USD

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InnerCoastal Livestock


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Innercoastal Livestock
4003 Archbell Road Bath, North Carolina 27808
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  • Horse #: 1567622
  • Weight: 900 lbs
  • Height: 15 hh
  • Breed: Quarter Horse
  • Gender: Gelding
  • In Foal: No
  • Color: Bay Roan
  • Temperament: 2/10


  • This is a 5 year old,15 hand,Quarter Horse gelding. He has a great handle to him and would make a fantastic ranch or trail horse. This guy has a great lope to him,picks up his leads,stops and backs. He isn't afraid of work and would be great with any job! This sweet boy has no blowup and is safe. A great arena horse or a solid trail horse. Great manners,ties and saddles well. Sells with a 10 day money back guarantee.